Dreyers Architecture Exhibition Design, September 2019, arki_lab
My role: Developing the concept for the exhibition design; visualizations; text
arki_lab developed a spatial design proposal for an architecture exhibition that would be opened as a part of the C40 Meeting in Copenhagen. The prompt greatly aligned with our work that is based on engaging inhabitants, communities and stakeholders to include them in conversations related to their lives and surroundings. Through this exhibition design we wanted to convey the benefits of co-creation in the development of our cities. The exhibition is built around the 4 steps in design thinking; discover, dream, design and develop. Through an engaging, interactive and playful exhibition, it is our ambition for visitors to become aware of today's urban challenges and to contribute input and design new solutions. We incorporated thematic themes from the UN's global goals as well as the C40 meeting during the discovery phase, which will thus be the starting point for the exhibition. From there, visitors will move up through the exhibition stages and "on their own body" experience the benefits of design thinking.
The main goal of the exhibition is to create empathy between different age and user groups, as well as provide insight into the design process. It aims to raise visitors’ awareness of their own role in developing the cities of the future and strengthen the sense of ownership and influence - an inner development that is reflected in the upward movement through the various stages of design thinking.