Sub-centers in Rotterdam Zuid
This publication is the final product of the elective course “City of Innovations”, for which I worked as the student assistant. For the Spring 2022 edition of the course, the focus was on Rotterdam Zuid area, which presents an array of transportation and mobility challenges, related to socio-economic and political concerns. The students worked in groups to develop strategies and guidelines for different station areas. This course ran parallel to the research project Walk-In (acronym of Widening sustAinable mobiLity networKs: Impact on Nodes) financed by NWO and part of the KIEM GoCi program. My role in the publication was developing the template, collecting student work, editing the visuals and the text and finalizing the publication.
Role: Co-Editor, Layout and Graphics
Gates into the city of Rotterdam
Inclusive Stations is a book that showcases the process and final products of the Spring 2021 City of Innovations course at TU Delft. The students were asked to analyze, understand and develop proposals for three different transportation hubs in Rotterdam. The course was in collaboration with the City of Rotterdam, from which experts were invited to give lectures and reviews on students’ work. My role as a student assistant in this course was to give weekly input on students’ analysis and proposals; help create the course structure; prepare necessary materials; put together relevant resources and arrange logistics, when needed. For this publication I developed the template, collected the work, edited the visuals and texts and finalized the document.
Role: Co-Editor, Layout and Graphics
Designing for Outdoor Learning
Based on the studio’s vast experience working with young people on urban design projects, we collectively wrote this book as an explorative inquiry into the potentials and challenges of using the city as an outdoor learning space. The book consists of arki-lab’s own work, as well as case studies and inputs from teachers, researchers, architects and many more. The book aimed to inspire anybody who had interest in the built environment and the way we learn things. It became a juxtaposition of urban design, architecture, didactics and politics. My role was to design the layout and overall graphical language of the book, as well as proofreading and editing all the texts.
Role: Co-Editor, Layout and Graphics
Published in February 2019 by NSW Department of Planning and Environment
During my time at arki-lab, I contributed in writing an opinion piece for New South Wales’ “Local Character” collection. We wrote about our experience with first-hand community engagement workshops and how there is no one-type fits all solution, especially when it comes to the complex process of community-driven design. We addressed how we address conflicts and disagreements that is inherent in any community or group of people.
Role: Co-Author