TU Delft Complex Projects Msc1 Design Studio
Authors: Amber Sikkema, Sander Meert, Ekin Arin
Our proposal draws from the urban dynamics and actors we researched and analyzed in Rotterdam. The city presents a historical and contemporary urban dynamic between the highly planned, choreographed, and the temporal, improvised, spaces. Exploration of these improvisations in the city led us to the creative network that typically exists within the in-between and temporal spaces. The current creative network in Rotterdam is mainly located on the outskirts of the city, most of the time housed in buildings that are up for demolish, while the inner city demonstrates a more mono functional use.
The proposed structure aims to establish continuous improvisation within a choreographed space by creating an artist community on site. The resident community, together with visitors and other artists, are presented with an array of different spatial qualities, elements and conditions that encourage curation, personalization and transformation. By responding to the existing urban conditions and generating new ones, the structure becomes embedded not just in the surrounding urban fabric but also within the larger city. The proposal and the underlying strategies introduce a new paradigm, which allows improvisation, which has typically been contained in temporal spaces, to inhabit more permanent choreographed structures.
“The city, in the mid 1960s was often conceived by residents as - too big, too spacious, too modern, too rational and far from convivial.”
-Ulzen, 29